Join Trellis Gardeen and Horatio Zinn in their quest to keep eating and drinking for free at Millyways by interviewing the various beings dining there. Trellis discovered an error in the Guide’s reimbursement submission system and as long as an entertainment receipt is submitted with a Guide entry the reimbursement is automatically approved!
So it’s life in the buffet-lane as long as they can keep talking diners into joining them in booth 42.
Improv in Action
Hitchhikers and Appetizers is an improv podcast based on the world building of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, created by Mike Gorgone and Bran Peacock, who play writers Trellis Gardeen and Horatio Zinn, respectively, for the Guide.
Every Monday at 6:00 PM PST/PDT there's a listening party of a previous episode streamed at
Season 1[]
- HA! Hitchikers and Appetizers - Trailer
- HA! S1E1 - Meet Trellis and Horatio
- HA! S1E2 - Making Bad Decisions with SENTINEL 6
- HA! S1E3 - Facing Backward with Frisk
- HA! S1E4 - Getting Comfy with Ted
- HA! S1E5 - Bart Haaahm AKA The Haaahmur
- HA! S1E6 - Oshkosh & Begosh
- HA! S1E7 – Practicing Happiness with The Scofflaw
- HA! S1E8 – Talking in Co-centric Circles with Audromitron Parsley
- HA! S1E9 – Dan, the Floating Grey Skull
- HA! S1E10 – Temporarily George Washington
- HA! S1E11 – Defusing Fun with Borazon Blokz
- HA! S1E12 – Positively Positivitus Rexus
- HA! S1E13 – Ed of Passivo VII
- HA! S1E14 – Glorpston Loves Frogball!
- HA! S1E15 – Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen the 3000th
Season 2[]
- HA! S2E1 - Not Your Standard Ffeeee - May 2nd, 2021
- HA! S2E2 - Facilitating Good Times With Chandelier - May 2nd, 2021
- HA! S2E3 - Engineering Empathy with Ko FEE
- HA! S2E4 - A Lunchbox For Sessil Smabe
- HA! S2E5 - Martia Larts: In Search Of Something More Interesting
- HA! S2E6 - Havin’ A Party With Whasighah
- HA! S2E7 - Frangipan Blarkarwarnilum
- HA! S2E8 - Getting Neighborly With Suhlayuh Merikantha
- HA! S2E9 - Chumway Funkenhauser The Third
- HA! S2E10 - The Judgement Of Ethelexia
- HA! S2E11 - Termin Feckin vs. The Machines
- HA! S2E12 - An Emotional Display By FeFeelya Monk
- HA! S2E13 - Brushy Paints It Real
- HA! S2E14 - Here And Now, For Now, with Thomas The Eternal
- HA! S2E15 - Back From The Future With Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen The 6000th
Season 3[]
- HA! S3E1 – Catching Stray Thoughts With Chackbox Diddlebrain
- HA! S3E2 – YouMe WhatThen & The Entropy Effect
- HA! S3E3 – Tresemmina Of The Fourth Quadrant
- HA! S3E4 – Literarily, Simulon Webcracks
- HA! S3E5 – Uncle Tammy’s Tawdry Tales
- HA! S3E6 – Splat Fourgone and The Morning Zoo Crew
- HA! S3E7 – Meat Mignon
- HA! S3E8 – Pankran Kelton, Poet Laurette of The Multiverse
- HA! S3E9 – Exclusively, Malexia Montgomery aka 1738
- HA! S3E10 – Debbie Does Tourism
- HA! S3E11 – Workshops Bring Change and Change Brings Birthdays
- HA! S3E12 – Celebrating Failure With Asper Aimsley
- HA! S3E13 – Roxy’s Hearts
- HA! S3E14 – Mot or Not?
- HA! S3E15 – Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen The 9000th Or So
Season 4[]
- S4E1 – In The Orbit Of Muon And Eric
- S4E2 – Beth The Head Chef
- HA! S4E3 – Fub’s Rating System
- S4E4 – Klaxon Gazondaberg and Arko Mux
- S4E5 – A Joyride With Siobhanus O’Roo
- HA! S4E6 – Waiting For Yeroc
- S4E7 – Ronald Leggins Knows Too Much
- S4E8 – TukiTiki and TikiTuki Too
- S4E9 – Luxor Granden, Emcee In Waiting
- S4E10 – Fleur Neur Meur
- HA! S4E11 – Xela Compromise
- HA! S4E12 – No Pain All Gain With Sempronius Scoop
- S4E13 – Quell The Ominpotent
- S4E14 – Snazz Hands
- S4E15 – If you’re a fan you know who’s coming to dinner
Season 5[]
- HA! S5E1 - Blammmo, Did You Have To Let It Linger
- HA! S5E2 - The Faces of Jude
- HA! S5E3 - Biscuit, The Peaceful Warrior Squidgeling
- HA! S5E4 - Delphine, The (Former) Prime Excelsior
- HA! S5E5 – Yelraf Cram The Gift (Shop) That Keeps Giving
- HA! S5E6 - Jarblatt Cackle The Perfidious
- HA! S5E7 - Millicent Is The Nurse
- HA! S5E8 - Bucket Is A Gooood Guest
- HA! S5E9 - The Return Of Martia Larts With Special Guest Weigh Newton
- HA! S5E10 - Penhaligon Rutherfordium: Finder Of Unique Things
- HA! S5E11 - Queen Oncona Vs. The Radical Radishes
- HA! S5E12 - Ffeeee Loves That Squaggs is Treedorable
- HA! S5E13 - Paula Henh Of Carfax
- HA! S5E14 - Absorbing Cally
- HA! S5E15 - Zandor and His Hairy Briefs!
- HA! S5E16 - Peter, Best Of The Managers
- HA! S5E17 - Rosa 1stInSpace Is Number One!
- HA! S5E18 - Talkin’ Bout Shoo Shoo
- HA! S5E19 - Barry Steeplechase’s Meter Is Running
- HA! S5E20 - Return To Zinnder!
Season 6[]
- HA! S6E1 - Barf A La Mew & Mankerson Tryst
- HA! S6E2 - With Glenda From Lovezerp
- HA! S6E3 - Nib, Vassal Of Mogoth
- HA! S6E4 - A Not So Foregone Conclusion With JohnQuavius Dinglebottom
- HA! S6E5 - Mothers Dayzed With Glanda And Eloise
- HA! S6E6 - Space Truckin’ With Chet
- HA! S6E7 - Audromitron and Passiva Parsley
- HA! S6E8 - Pippa And Lyfthox Will Gitcha There
- HA! S6E9 - Desperately Seekering Sentinel 6
- HA! S6E10 - X-AE A-12 Of Dopple II
- HA! S6E11 - Smoove Sailing With Crom Bracho
- HA! S6E12 - Happy Hanksgiving
- HA! S6E13 - Ampersand Is Slippery When Wet
- HA! S6E14 - We Alllll Goood Because Glorpston Loves Wizard Thompson!
- HA! S6E15 - Evaluating Evil With Sin Ester
- HA! S6E16 - Carl The Living Planet
- HA! S6E17 - The Haaahmurr Is In The The Bag For Chrysal Pvereido
- HA! S6E18 - Trudith “Trudy” Frutti
- HA! S6E19 - The Ears Have It For Casecal Calcase
- HA! S6E20 - Gene Otho: Have Tube Will Travel… To Space
- HA! S6E21 - God… Is?
- HA! S6E22 - Representing The Lollipop Guild
- HA! S6E23 - Gotta Fly Now With Eagle Eazee
- HA! S6E24 - Throbbing For Love With Jyrell and RO1
- HA! S6E25 - A Ripple Just In Time
- HA! S6E26 - Mixing It Up With Yillb TtirreM
- HA! S6E27 - It’s A Trap! (maybe) For Gingko Biloba
- HA! S6E28 - Coreee From The Crab Nebula
- HA! S6E29 - 46B2G: Permission Granted
- HA! S6E30 - Matchmaker Matchmaker…You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out For You
- HA! S6E31 - Regular, Creamy, or Aldente Pomo
- HA! S6E32 - The “Happiest Place In The Universe”…or Not
- HA! S6E33 - The Adventures Of Nell!
- HA! S6E34 - Jeffrey Jefferson Sees You
- HA! S6E35 - Scootylou, At The Edge Of Seventeen
- HA! S6E36 - Scribbling Rivalry
- HA! S6E37 - How You Lycan Us Now!
- HA! S6E38 - Fecal Matters To Marcus Mucus
- HA! S6E39 -
- HA! S6E40 -
- HA! S6E41 -
- HA! S6E42 - Crossing the Zinnish Line
See also Category:HA! Episodes.
- Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
- Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
- Editor: Mike Gorgone
- HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
- Music: "Ben Sound Actionable" and "Ben Sound Sexy" from
- Trellis Gardeen
- Horatio Zinn
- Sentinel 6
- Frisk
- Ted
- Bart Haaahm
- Oskosh, Begosh, and ancestors
- The Scofflaw
- Audro
- Dan
- George Washington
- Borazon Blokz
- Positivitus Rexus
- Ed
- Glorpston
- Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen the 3000th, 6000th, 9000th, etc.
- Chandelier
- Ffeeee
- Ko FEE
- Sessil Smabe
- Martia Larts
- Whasighah
- Frangipan Blarkarwarnilum
- Suhlayuh Merikantha
- Chumway Funkenhauser The Third
- Ethelexia
- Termin Feckin
- FeFeelya Monk
- Brushy
- Thomas the Eternal
- Chackbox Diddlebrain
- YouMe WhatThen
- Tresemmina
- Simulon Webracks
- Uncle Tammy
- Splat Fourgone
- Meat Mignon
- Pankran Kelton
- Malexia Montgomery aka 1738
- Debbie
- ....
- Asper Aimsley
- Roxy
- Mot
- Muon and Eric
- Beth
- Fub
- Klaxon Gazondaberg and Arko Mux
- Siobhanus O'Roo
- Yeroc
- Ronald Leggins
- TukiTiki and TikiTuki
- Luxor Granden
- Fleur Neur Meur
- Xela Compromise
- Sempronius Scoop
- Quell The Omnipotent
- Snazz
- Xela Compromise
- Blammmo
- Jude
- Biscuit
- Delphine
- Yelraf Cram
- Jarblatt Cackle the Perfidious
- Millicent
- Bucket
- Queen Oncona
- Paula Henh
- Cally
- Zandor
- Peter
- Rosa 1stInSpace
- Snookapooka
- Barry Steeplechase
- Barf A La Mew
- Mankerson Tryst
- Glenda
- Nib
- JohnQuavius Dinglebottom
- Glanda
- Eloise
- Chet
- Passiva
- Pippa McFiddlestix
- Lyfthox Steppenflox
- Seeker 7
- X-AE A-12
- Crom Bracho
- Hankfully Yours
- Ampersand
- Wizard Thompson
- Sin Ester
- Carl
- Chrysal Pvereido
- Trudith "Trudy" Frutti
- Casecal Calcase
- Gene Otho
- God
- The Mayor of the Lollipop Guild
- Air Eazee
- Jyrell
- RO1
- Ripple
- Yillb Ttirrem
- Gingko Biloba
- Coreee
- 46B2G
- GoGo Stellamint Murf
- Aldente Pomo
- Aloysius Vandelay
- Nell
- Jeffrey Jefferson
- Scootylou
- Scribey
- (S6E37)
- (S6E38)
- (S6E39)
- (S6E40)
- (S6E41)
- (S6E42)
See also Category:HA! Characters.
- Mike Gorgone
- Bran Peacock
- Shad Kunkle
- Landon Lee Kirksey
- Nicky Margolis
- Jay Sukow
- Adrian Hanson
- Joey Bland
- Kate Duffy
- Jack Peeples
- Jonathan Pitts
- Dave Hill
- Gillian Bellinger
- Nick Armstrong
- Andy St. Clair
- Jim Karwisch
- Andy Livengood
- Alrinthea Carter
- Joe Bill
- Kate Murphy
- Bill Arnett
- Jackie Uweh
- Adam Lowe
- Rebecca Sohn
- Joe Canale
- Celeste Pechous
- Robyn Lynne Norris
- Liz Allen
- Michael J. Astrauskas
- Sheri Flanders
- Anthony Jeremiah Nash
- Monique Madrid
- Brendan Dowling
- Jen Caldwell
- Sean Monahan
- Meggan Hyde
- Gary Anthony Williams
- Stephanie Rae
- Rich Sohn
- Jill Eickmann
- Ed Morgan
- Radhika Rao
- Adal Rifai
- Rachael Mason
- Susan Messing
- Shaun Landry
- Jarrett Lennon Kaufman
- Adam Lowe
- Mat Mellor
- Nicole O'Dell
- Corey Rittmaster
- George Faughnan
- Michael Yichao
- Sarah Shoemaker
- Ithamar Enriquez
- Dawn McMillian
- Alexandra Berg
- Roberto Lewis
- R. Kevin Doyle Garcia
- J. P. Karliak
- Geraldine Carolan
- Alex Berg
See also Category:HA! Contributors.
- Milliways AKA The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- Booth 42 - Trellis and Horatio's booth of choice
- Glandar
- Skenectikis
- Sealyposturpediarama
- Tundaria
- Junctionarian, Capstone
- Unincorporated District Planet
- Heptra
- Collective Hive Mind planet
- Cosplaytorium
- Partee I
- Partee II
- The Basket Of Imperium
- Passivo VII
- Shumptau
- Scantron II
- Pleasurinda VI
- Gestalt Nebula
- Planet Dioretika
- Niptune
- Calgon
- Flopeera
- Notax, formerly in the Quark Vortex Chasm
- Plarb
- Dunlop System
- Mertikewl
- Hylonimo
- (Brushy's planet)
- Corosica
- Who What Then
- The Fourth Quadrant
- (Simulon's planet)
- (S3E5)
- (S3E6)
- (Mignon's home planet)
- (S3E8)
- Luxuria
- Pantria
- The Planet Formerly Known As
- Pernot 17
- (S3E13)
- Opp-O-Site
- (S4E1)
- Kritical VIII
- Glastonapalooza
- (S4E7)
- Flulululuwatatapapa
- JJ1132C
- Dualeepa
- Balderon
- (S4E13 -- suburbs of the univese)
- (S4E14)
See also Category:HA! Locations.